ABOUt the oha

The Ontario Hazelnut Association was established in 2013 and is committed to the development of the hazelnut industry in Ontario. Our focus is to cultivate hazelnuts in Ontario, both to sell and to export, while maintaining sustainable farming practices.

Our vision: The development of an industry for Ontario Hazelnuts, focused on quality and sustainability.

Our mission: To lead the development of the hazelnut industry in Ontario.

Our values: 

  • Quality
  • Sustainability
  • Advocacy

Fast Facts

Demand Grows

Demand for hazelnuts is growing globally, while the global supply is dropping.

Our goal

Although the OHA doesn't sell hazelnuts, our collective involves advocating for the farmers who do sell them.

Why Not Ontario?

The hazelnuts imported here are from the United States, Turkey, and Chile. This provides an opportunity to cultivate our own here at home.
